The materiality for the engagement is drawn from the materiality checklist or the Support Settings panel. See technical bulletin JZ124.
 WP reference
A working paper reference can be selected by using the popup menu and selecting the document from the list of documents available on the Document Manager. Double-click on the reference to open the referenced document. You can also manually type in the reference if the document does not exist within Caseware.
Double-click on the icon to annotate the line item to either insert a note or a tickmark.
 Unique ID
Each lender is assigned a unique ID. Double-click on the UID to jump to the loan calculator to recalculate or change the lender information.
 Long term debt detail
Add the callable debt details. The payment and payments made during the year (interest + principal) can be calculated by and transferred from the loan calculator working paper. The current collateral can be shown/hidden from the freeze pane.
 Express menu
Right-click on the express menu to insert more linked or manual lines, insert subtotals, sort and delete current lines where the options are available.
 Accrued interest
Diagnostics will appear at the bottom of the working paper if the callable debt details do not agree to the amounts mapped. You can see which map number are linked by clicking on the Settings button. This will take you to the diagnostic settings.
 Comments (input paragraph)
You can edit existing input paragraphs or insert more paragraphs using the express menu. Refer to Input Paragraphs for more information on inserting paragraphs.