Quick Guides
JZ119 Customization - Resource Centre or Master file?
There are 2 major Caseware File types in the Jazzit Fundamentals package. The Resource Centres (KLIB, FRMLIB) and the Jazzit Master Files (GENMST, FULMST, FRMMST).
Firms can also create their own Firm Master Files. Please see JZ030 for more information on creating Firm Master Files.
When you want to add customizations directly in individual templates, they should be applied to the Resource Centre Modules instead of the Templates in the (Jazzit or Firm) Master files. The reason for this is that customizations applied to Master File Templates cannot be transferred to existing client files via Jazzit's update feature. The only way to get customizations form Master files to existing files is to completely replace the template in the client file with a new template from the Master File via Copy Components.
If the customizations are applied to Resource Centre modules, those changes can be easily transferred to existing client files, Jazzit Master files and Firm Master files via Jazzit's update feature.
Jazzit's update feature is the best way to bring customizations into your client files. Customizations must be done in the Resource Centre module in order to use this feature.
It may be necessary to click on 'No' to keeping input cell data for the customization to show.