Quick Guides
Worksheet - Analytical review (3-95)
See Common Checklist Features for information on common checklist features.
Worksheet - Analytical review (3-95)
Template Options
1. Template Options
Please see template options for more details.
Financial Statement Type:
2. Financial Statement Type:
This selection determines some of the default map numbers on the Link No. column. below.
KLIB selected
FRMLIB selected
Link No.
3. Link No.
The link number indicates which linked number (i.e. map number) the row is linked to. Use the popup menu to select a link number. This can be a map, account or group number depending on the link type selected. Refer to Balance Origins for more information.
Link Type
4. Link Type
The link type is set from the default link type selected. You can change the link type for the individual row item if different from the default link type.
Column options
5. Column options
Click on column options to reveal column options. The settings here are similar to the 9 column settings. Additionally Filter settings based on percent and currency differences between the first column and the second/third columns. Only certain lines above a certain difference threshold (% or currency) will display.
Print/Skip subtotal
6. Print/Skip subtotal
Click on Print/Skip button to skip/print the section subtotal.