The materiality for the engagement is drawn from the materiality checklist or the Support Settings panel. See technical bulletin JZ124.
 Effective PST Rate
Rate is automatically determined by provincial PST rate, can also be overriden directly if necessary.
Click on the folder to see the breakdown of revenue by map number.
Double-click on the icon to annotate the line item to either insert a note or a tickmark.
 Link Type
The link type is set from the default link type selected. You can change the link type for the individual row item if different from the default link type.
This allows you to change the sign of the linked rows. Changing the sign will affect the calculation.
 Allocation of revenues
Allocate client revenue across different GST jurisdictions.
 Net of PST
Net GST amount with PST where applicable.
 ITC Recapture
Recalculation of ITC (RITC) applicable for large businesses for BC and Ontario.