Loan ID indicates the loan you are currently viewing. Use the popup menu to select a different loan from the list. The loan should be added to the linked working paper first.
The details from the linked working paper is transferred to the loan calculator. If the amortization date differs from the maturity date, you can enter the date here.
The payments can be calculated when the calculated radio button is selected, or select Per WP to use the payment amount entered on the linked working paper.
The payment factors and calculations are based on information already entered. You can override these values by entering an alternative value into the input cells. This will adjust the calculations accordingly.
A summary of the loan information is shown at the bottom of the calculation. This is transferred from the linked loan in the linked working paper. Yellow cells indicate that the balance needs to be transferred to the linked working papers.
Select Yes if you know the actual loan balance at the end of the fiscal period. This will open another section to allow you to enter the closing principal balance. All relevant tables will be recalculated accordingly.
Current period repayment details are calculated based off the information entered above. If there was an addition during the year you will be prompted to enter the existing loan in the principal adjustment column for the appropriate period(s). If there was an interest rate change through the year, enter the new interest rate directly into the effective rate column
Future year repayment details are calculated based on the information entered. The details are transferred to the future repayments table in the linked working paper.