Quick Guides
JZ132 Combining Schedules Together
There are situations where you may want to combine schedules together to make a single schedule. This is similar to combining notes together as outlined in this article.
Insert Schedules
Insert 2 schedules into the Financial statements. Set the 2 schedules to a format.
Ensure the 2 schedules are positioned next to each other on the Statement menu. Use the sort button (up/down arrows) to sort them in position if necessary.
Disable the page break on the bottom schedule
On the bottom schedule click on the button entitled 'Page break enabled' to disable the page break.
Disable the header on the bottom schedule
Click your on the button entitled 'Headings' to disable the heading.
Remove the Schedule heading
Double-click on the schedule title to open the customization window. Remove the schedule heading.
Final Result
Schedule 2 appears to be part of Schedule 1.
The Schedule 2 Entry is automatically removed from the table of contents