The default option for the Draft stamp is set in the Diagnostics Report. If the default is not set to either globally on or off, you can set it manually for this working paper together with the draft wording.
Entity - Assign the entities to the relevant columns. Entities should be added using the consolidations dialog in Caseware.
Foreign Ex - The foreign exchange can also be applied to each individual column(s).
Discrete - Select the discrete period (Yes = Period movements, No = cumulative balances up to period selected (year-to-date)).
Type - Select the balance type (budget, consolidated, report, adjusted, unadjusted, forecast) that you want to use. This can be used when setting up Group/Company statements.
Year - Select the financial year (current, prior 1 through 4) for each column.
Bucket - Select the bucket (active, random, yearly, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, etc.) for each column.
Period - Select the relevant period within the year selected that you want to view. This is dependent on the Bucket selected.