Windows Regional Settings
Regional settings control the presentation of some dates in the letters. In some letters you may notice the date presented as Month-Day-Year, when it should be Month Day, Year (which is the default in the Jazzit templates).
Another component that could be affected by Regional Settings is the way negative numbers are presented. Negative numbers could be presented as $(50.00) or $-50.00. The default presentation in the Jazzit templates should be $(50.00).
Regional Settings may also cause the Jazzit Financial Statements to get stuck in a recalculate position.
To set the correct date format:
In Windows, click the
Start button and select
Control Panel > Region and Language.
Click on the
Long date drop-down and select the format
MMMM d, yyyy.
To set the negative numbers to show correctly, click on the
Additional settings button.
Click on the
Currency tab and select the format ($ 1.1) next to the
Negative currency format field.
Changing Long Date format
Windows 7 click
Start button > Control Panel > Region and Language.
In Windows 10 click
Start button > Settings
> Time & Language > Region > Change data formats.
Set the Long date format to MMMM d, yyyy.
Date format in Windows 7
Date format in Windows 10
Changing Number and Currency format
Please note that if your Negative sign symbol or Negative currency format is not set as shown below, this may prevent your rounding in the financial statements from enabling properly (it may switch to Recalc instead of Enable).
Windows 7 click
Start button > Control Panel > Region and Language > Additional settings.
In Windows 10 click
Start button > Settings
> Time & Language > Region > Additional date, time, & regional settings > Region > Additional settings.
Ensure the
Numbers tab and
Currency tab are using the settings below.