Template Options
All Jazzit documents have common features to indicate when a revision is available. These features can be found in the Jazzit document options section and includes the following:
Template Options
Document map
1. Document map
The document map lists all the sections in the templates. Click on a heading to jump to that section. To switch the document map off, go to Home > Document Map or View > Document Map.
Open document
2. Open document
Popup menu allows you to open any document from the Caseware Document Manager.
Sign off
3. Sign off
Click on the button to access the Roles dialog to sign off the document.
Adjusting entries
4. Adjusting entries
View, edit, or create adjusting entries in Caseware.
Trial Balance
5. Trial Balance
Opens the Caseware Working Trial Balance within CaseView.
Save and Exit
6. Save and Exit
Saves and closes the document instantly.
Accountants Templates update date
7. Accountants Templates update date
This date indicates the design update date for the Jazzit template.
Reload/update from Resource Centre
8. Reload/update from Resource Centre
Click on this button to update or reload the letter from the Resource Centre.
Document settings
9. Document settings
Also know as the 'chain button' this button hides/unhides the area under 'Document settings' revealing additional options.
Update status
10. Update status
Shows the update status of the document. A yellow status indicator () indicates that the document needs to be updated.
Document and Resource Centre dates
11. Document and Resource Centre dates
Indicates the version date of the document in the current file and the version date of the connected Resource Centre. The Document and Resource Centre dates will be the same when the document is updated.
Resource Centre Type
12. Resource Centre Type
Indicates which Resource Centre the document is connected to, e.g. PEG Audit KLIB
Resource Centre filename
13. Resource Centre filename
The Resource Centre filename that the checklist is connected to. Resource Centre filenames start with the Resource Centre filename (ex: PEG Audit KLIB) with the CaseView ID appended to the end (ex: CAA310)
Link Browses
14. Link Browses
Choose whether zero balance link hides or not.
Hide details if procedure set to NA:
15. Hide details if procedure set to NA:
In certain checklists setting the procedure to NA will hide details since they are deemed unnecessary.
Doc Map
16. Doc Map
The 'Doc Map' button allows you to toggle the Document Map on and off. You can normally toggle it on Home > Document Map in CaseView, however the setting will not save when you open the Financial Statements again. Use the 'Doc Map' button to toggle the Document Map on a permanent basis.
Scale Fonts
17. Scale Fonts
Toggles CaseView's Scale fonts to reduce clipping feature. Sometimes the text in a table will get 'cut-off' or 'clipped' on the screen. This feature corrects that. Please see https://documentation.caseware.com/2022/CaseView/en/Content/Setup/Document-management/Document-settings.htm#Compatibility for more information on this and other features.
Cleared on roll forward options
18. Cleared on roll forward options
Choose to clear or retain the working paper data types on roll forward.