Quick Guides
Signature Lines from Home Menu Settings
The Balance Sheet can be set to control the signature lines from the Home Menu.
The following settings are available in the Signature lines section of the Home Menu:
Signature Lines from Home Menu Settings
Number of lines
1. Number of lines
Set the number of signature lines to appear at the bottom of your Balance Sheet. The option will skip all settings when set to none. There are a maximum of four signature lines available.
Line titles
2. Line titles
You can personalize the Balance Sheet by adding the owner name(s) or title to the right of each signature line by typing the text into the blue cell.
Signature heading
3. Signature heading
A heading will appear above the signature lines. This heading is based on the client structure option in the client profile section. You may override the default by typing any text into the designated blue cell. Delete the text to skip the heading completely. The following defaults are available in both upper and lower case options:
  • One signature line: Approved by the sole director
  • Two - four signature lines: On behalf of the board