![1](drex_bullet_1.png) Draft Stamp
Toggles draft stamp on/off and customizes the draft stamp text.
![2](drex_bullet_2.png) Entity type
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) Wording
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) Optional alternate name
Use the Optional alternate name to add a second line below the company name at the top of each statement and on the engagement report. This is used if the trade name differs from the legal name (Operating as menu item), or if the company's name has changed since the last financial statement (Formerly menu item). Enter the other company name in Optional alternate name field.
You may also enter text into the blue area and leave the popup menu to the left blank. This is useful if you wish to provide a description of the company below the main title. If you leave the blue area blank Jazzit automatically skips this option.
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) Signature Location
Toggle the location of the signature area to be either after the letter OR after the ratios area.
Signature under the letter
Signature under ratios area