Period Balances
The period balances options allow you to choose to enter transactions or balances only in your client file.
Period Balances
Allow entry of period balances in Working Trial Balance
Transactions cannot be entered in the client file, only period balances may be entered. Double-click on the transactions column in the Working Trial Balance to access the entry area.
Allow Transaction entry in Other Entries screen
Transactions may be entered in the Other Entries window.
Period Date Sequence for Other Entries Screen
When entering transactions, what is the date sequence you would like to use? If you choose Random Periods, you will need to click on the Setup button to indicate what the periods are.
Current Active Period for Other Entries Screen
Enter in the active period for Other Entries Screen.
Display and enter period balances as year-to-date balances
If this option is not selected, entries will be for discrete periods only. If this is selected, entries will be cumulative.