Net worth statement (JZNET)
 Set Draft Stamp
Set the default behavior for the draft stamp for the letters and working papers. You can either set it to default to the Jazzit financial statement draft stamp behavior or set it to default On or Off independently from the Jazzit financial statements.
Check the checkbox next to the description to set the default globally for all the Jazzit letter and Jazzit Working Papers or leave the checkbox unchecked to allow preparers to set the draft stamp behavior on each individual letter and Working Paper.
 Show / hide skipped lines in numeric areas:
Hide/unhide any lines without a number.
 Row on/off switches for intro and conclusion paragraphs
Show or hide checkboxes found next to the paragraph cells located above and below the statement.
 Working paper header/footers:
Toggle to skip/ print the header/footers.
 Express menu
Right click to see the express menu. See express menu for more information.
 Notes and Annotations
Double-click to add notes and annotations to a line.