Most letters, including the Additional Letters (Q1 - Q9 and QA - QK) have the signature block at the bottom of the letters.
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) Complimentary close
Use the popup menu to select your desired complimentary close or input your own text into the field.
![2](drex_bullet_2.png) Space for signature
Increase or decrease the spacing for the signature.
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) Partner name
Use the checkbox to print or skip the signatory name. Use the popup menu to select another name. The names are populated from the Partners Name section in the Firm profile (RD) KLIB module.
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) Role/position
Use the checkbox to print or skip the signatory role/position. Use the popup menu to select an alternative role or input your own text into the field.
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) Email
Use the checkbox to print or skip the signatory email address. The email address is populated from the Partners Name section in the Firm profile (RD) KLIB module.
![6](drex_bullet_6.png) Firm name
Use the checkbox to print or skip the firm name. The firm name is populated from Firm profile (RD) KLIB module.
![7](drex_bullet_7.png) Designation
Use the checkbox to print or skip the designation. The designation is populated from Firm profile (RD) KLIB module.
![8](drex_bullet_8.png) c.c. name
Use the checkbox to print or skip the c.c. field. Use the input cell to type in the c.c. name field.