JZ118 Silent Crashes in CaseView Sometimes you may encounter a silent crash in CaseView, a crash that occurs without warning and an accompanying error message.
Try moving the Caseware file to the desktop (C:\Users\{username}\Desktop) and see if the crash persists.
![]() If the crashes stop after relocating it to the desktop, possible causes may be:
A long file path
The maximum file path is around 250 characters depending on the situation and software environment. Relocate your CaseWare file or rework your client file folder arrangements to shorten the file path.
![]() Ensure your file path is not over the character limit as defined by your software environment
Connection issues with a server drive
Your client files may be located on a server drive. Relocating a CaseWare file to the desktop will typically move the file to the local C:\ drive. From our experience a temporarily bad connection can cause the crashing to occur intermittently. Larger CaseView file sizes may make crashes more likely when a larger volume of data must traverse over a bad connection. Please contact the IT person in charge of your server drive for possible solutions.
Syncing software
If you still encounter the issue after moving the Caseware file on the desktop, check to see if the desktop folder is being synced by syncing software (dropbox, OneDrive, etc). Pause temporarily and see if the crashing goes away.