JZ010 How do I add a subtotal to the Jazzit financial statements?
Subtotals and subheadings can be inserted throughout the Jazzit financial statements. This includes balance sheet, income statement, cash flows, schedules and notes. This is a useful feature for creating additional sections in the financial statements. In the example below, 3 sections were created within the expense section of the income statement using a combination of subtotals, subheadings and line spaces.
To insert a subtotal or subheading, right-click on the
express menu and select the appropriate option.
Section headings (e.g.
Expenses) can be right-clicked to produce the same options. This is useful for inserting a subheading or subtotal as the first line in a section.
When more than one subtotal is inserted in a section (e.g. COGS) the template will automatically produce an underline beneath each subtotal.
Sometimes this will create a “double-underline” at the bottom of a section. Right-click on the
express menu () on the subtotal line and select the
Underline below subtotal option to remove the underline. Underlines can be removed for any subtotal.
Subtotals and subheadings/lines space(s) ignore automatic sort functions (alphabetical, ascending and descending) and stay in place.