Insert Subtotals
  • Right mouse click on the line and choose Insert Subtotal from the Express menu. Whatever line you choose, the subtotal will appear under that line. The subtotal line can be sorted to another position if you insert the line in the wrong place. Certain subtotals may also be calculated from the last subheading rather than from the last subtotal (or top of column if no subtotal above).
  • Once the line is in place, you have the option to show a line under the subtotal (if more than one subtotal is added). There is also an input field to type in a subtotal description if needed. Subtotals can be sorted using manual sort function. The subtotals will be recalculated accordingly.
  • You have the ability to add or remove an underline when TWO or more subtotals are inserted into a section. Right-click on the subtotal and either check or uncheck the Underline below subtotal option.