How do I insert a new note into category?
It is possible to add your own firm specific notes into the Resource Centre (KLIB). The following article will provide an example of how add a note to a category. This method can be applied to other note categories and situations.
Inserting new notes in categories
Before you do anything in any Resource Centre note module, be sure to save it backed up to an alternate location so you can reuse it if you make a mistake.
Before you do anything in any Resource Centre note module, be sure to save it backed up to an alternate location so you can reuse it if you make a mistake.
  • Copy an existing note to a blank CaseView document.
  • Renumber the cells, table identifiers, section labels, and paragraph tags.
  • Copy the modified note back into the note category.
  • Test the new note by inserting it into a financial statement. Check that you can switch the note on/off, sort the order of notes, update from Resource Centre, and delete the note.
The instructions below use specific note names, cell names, table identifiers, section labels, and paragraph tags. These will need to be changed when applying these instructions to other note modules and scenarios.
Detailed steps
In this example, we will add a note called named Category A – format 6 to Other Category A (KY).
  • From your Resource Centre, open the note module Other Category A (KY).
  • From the menu, select View > Design Mode. Enter the Jazzit administrator password when prompted.
  • Highlight and copy all of Category A – format 5 note (located at the bottom of the module) including the note heading with revision date and copy this to the clipboard (Right-click > Copy).
  • Open a new CaseView document (File > New > System defaults), insert 3 blank paragraphs and paste the contents of your clipboard into the middle paragraph (leaving one blank paragraph above and below the note).
  • Revise the note heading to Category A - format 6 and change the tag on this paragraph (Format > Paragraph > Tag) to KY-KY6.
  • Hold down your CTRL key and click on all the cells indicated below (including blank cells) with KY5 prefix to include them in your selection. Do not include the KY5 cell (green checkmark). Block cell renumber (CTRL+R) all cell number prefixes from KY5 to KY6 selecting to update all calculations, skips and hides.
    This particular example uses KY6 – ensure you are using a prefix that is unique inside the note module you are modifying
  • Renumber cell KY5 to KY6 by typing in the new cell number in the formula bar. Use the Cells renumber options as outlined in the screenshot below. Note: If you are modifying a note module where only one note can be inserted in a time, skip this step. See the note at the bottom of this bulletin for further explanation.
  • Click inside table KYE. Select Table > Properties and change the table identifier from KYE to KYF or other unique table name.
  • Right-click on the outermost section and select Modify.
  • Change section label from Category A - format 5 to Category A - format 6.
  • Change Section skip to KY6<>1 if it hasn’t done so already. Note: If you are modifying a note module where only one note can be inserted in a time, skip this step. See the note at the bottom of this bulletin for further explanation.
  • Right-click on the inner section, select modify and change the hide condition to KY6=0 if it hasn’t done so already. Note: If you are modifying a note module where only one note can be inserted in a time, skip this step. See the note at the bottom of this bulletin for further explanation.
  • Change note name in cell KY6E4 to Category A - format 6 ensure that this matches the section label or the delete button may not work properly.
  • Change bookmark in cell KY6E5 to KY-KY6.
  • Double click on the note number and change the cross-reference identifier to: Category A - format 6. If you are modifying a note module where only one note can be inserted in a time, skip this step. See the note at the bottom of this bulletin for further explanation.
  • Highlight the text paragraphs in table KYF and change the paragraph tags with the table ID and current date.
  • Highlight the revised note including one blank paragraph at the end of the note and copy it to your clipboard.
  • Switch back to KY Other Category A document in CaseView (Window > ky).
  • Position yourself at the bottom of the note module at the blank paragraph and paste in your note (make sure you have left a blank paragraph at the bottom of the note category).
  • Switch back to form mode and unlock if needed with the password admin.
  • Double-click on the note revision date for your new note to set it to today's date.
  • Open your financial statements and insert your new note. Verify that you can update and delete the note properly.
In note categories where only one note can be present in the Jazzit Financial statement at one time (e.g. K7 share capital), the checkbox cell number to turn the note on and off is identical for each note in the category – in this case – do not change the note checkbox cell number or the references to the checkbox cell number. The cell number should be unique if multiple notes can be inserted from that category (e.g. KN generic notes). The same also applies with respect to the cross references for note numbers.