The Due to shareholders - default note is automatically adjusted to agree to the Balance Sheet. Any differences are adjusted to individual shareholder 1 (corporate shareholder 1 if individual shareholder is nil) for each year.
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) Note features
Each note has a series of common features. Refer to Common Note Features for more information on each feature.
![2](drex_bullet_2.png) Heading Format
Right-click for alternate wording for the heading.
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) Shareholder balances
The shareholder balances pull from the mapping numbers indicated on the right of the individual row. Shareholder balances are shown at the NET amount. The table lines will populate as you map the account to the individual map numbers linked. Use the express menu to sort the rows into the desired position.
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) Repayment schedule
Use the button to switch between the Repayment schedules and No fixed terms of repayments. When the Repayment schedule is selected, a section will show, allowing you to be able to manually allocate the principal repayment term for each year.
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) Comments (input paragraphs)
You can edit existing input paragraphs or insert more paragraphs using the express menu. Refer to Input Paragraphs for more information on inserting paragraphs.
![6](drex_bullet_6.png) Express menu
Right-click on the express menu to insert more linked and manual lines, insert subtotals, sort and delete current lines where the options are available.