Note features
Each note has a series of common features. Refer to Common Note Features for more information on each feature.
 Basis of presentation
Use the yellow popup menu to select the appropriate basis of presentation to be reported on. This will change the wording accordingly.
 Prepared/ Not prepared
Use the yellow popup menu to select if consolidated financial statements have been prepared or not prepared. The wording will changed accordingly.
 Percentage owned
When selecting that consolidation statements have been prepared, the percentage owned table will appear. Manually enter the companies and subsidiaries and the % owned in the table. Right-click on the express menu to insert more rows. Click on the folder icon to hide the section.
 Express menu
Right-click on the Express menu to insert more linked and manual lines, insert subtotals, sort and delete current lines where the options are available.
Wording changes based on the Structure setting in the Client Profile panel in the Home menu. Either Partnership wording or Proprietorship wording.
 No new policies/ Change in Policies
Use the yellow popup menu to select if there was a change in policy or no new policies. The wording will change accordingly.
 Show/hide sections
Click on the checkbox next to each heading to show the applicable section(s). Uncheck the checkboxes to hide the section(s) not applicable.
 Comments (input paragraphs)
You can edit existing input paragraphs or insert more paragraphs using the express menu. Refer to Input Paragraphs for more information on inserting paragraphs.