Quick Guides
Creating a Short Period
In this example file, the year end date is originally November 30. The short period will have a Year end date of September 30.
Engagement Properties
Change your year end date to your short year end date in Caseware's engagement properties (Engagement > Engagement Properties). In the example file we are changing the year end date from November 30, 2022 to September 30, 2022.
Short year options in Financial Statements
The Jazzit statement will now show the new year end date (Sept 30, 2022). We will need to indicate that this is a short period.
Open the Jazzit Financial Statements and click on Home menu > Short Year. Change the Comparative date to November 30, 2022. Change the Current column to (10 months). Change Prior Column to (12 months). Change the Current heading to ten month period.
The above settings will affect appropriately affect the wording and presentation throughout the Jazzit Financial statements as shown below.
Title Page
Review Engagement Report
Income Statement