Contact Jazzit Support
If your firm subscribes to Total Bundle Support, your Jazzit Administrators can contact us for assistance. Only these individuals may contact Jazzit support. This allows us to serve your firm and others much more efficiently.
We provide support through telephone, e-mail, fax, and live online using remote access software. We use online collaboration tools to review the problem with you.
Please be advised there may be times when you need to contact Caseware support for Caseware specific problems. Jazzit support focuses on questions related to Jazzit.  
It is often necessary to look at your file to determine what the problem is. All client files uploaded to us remain confidential and are deleted immediately upon resolution. We recommend you change identifying information within the client profile in Caseware for added confidentiality. Please request that we send you an upload link to our secure secure file transfer service. We request that all files uploaded be compressed using the Caseware compress function (refer to Save File Compressed for more information).