Quick Guides
Adding External Documents to the Document Manager
You can add documents created in other programs (e.g. Excel, Word, Profile, TaxPrep, etc.) by opening File Explorer and dragging the file from the window to your Caseware Document Manager.  When you drag the file from its current location to the Document Manager, using your right mouse button (or secondary button) you will have different options:
Think of your Caseware Document Manager as the “one-stop shopping centre” for all your client documents (regardless of the application in which they were created). When you double-click on the document on the Document Manager, Windows looks at the file type and launches the program and loads the requested document. The reviewer can drilldown to any working paper references made either in the automatic Caseware documents (e.g. leadsheets) or any Jazzit working paper.  When you double-click on the reference the application will launch with the document loaded.
There are three key advantages to moving these supporting documents into the Caseware client directory rather than creating only a short cut: