Subtotal from last subheading
You have the ability to insert a subtotal which only includes every amount between the subtotal and the closest subheading above*. Usually subtotals includes every amount above it up until the beginning of the section or another subtotal
*Please note: This feature is currently only available in the Income Statements (IS), 9 column Income Statement (IS2), 2 column Income Statement schedule (SC1) and 9 column Income Statement schedule with budget (SC2)
  • Once you have inserted a subheading and subtotal in the areas you wish to calculate separately, right click on the subtotal row to access the Express menu, choose the option Subtotal from last subheading
When the subtotal is set to 'normal' it includes every amount above it until the next subtotal (or beg of section)
When the subtotal is set to "Subheading" it includes every amount between it and the next subheading above.