Management Letter Highlights
Management Letter Highlights
Number of sections
1. Number of sections
Use the popup menu to select the number of headings you need. You can select up to 15 headings.
Turn section on/off
2. Turn section on/off
Click on the green checkbox to turn a section on or off.
  • A green checkmark will indicate that the section is on.
  • A blank checkbox indicates that the section is turned off.
Insert more observed weaknesses
3. Insert more observed weaknesses
Use the popup menu to insert up to 5 observed weaknesses within the headings.
Section on/off checkbox
4. Section on/off checkbox
Check or uncheck the check box to turn a section on or off. The section will be set to skip and will not print.
Sort sections
5. Sort sections
Click on the sort sections button to sort the headings in the preferred order.
6. Sort
Use the sort button to sort the sections within each heading.
Express menu
7. Express menu
Right-click on the express menu to view the available paragraph and section options. Use the Express menu to insert new paragraphs, sort the paragraphs within a section, insert page breaks and delete existing paragraphs.