Quick Guides
Error - Cannot paste embedded picture from other instances of CaseView AND/OR Note references not in numerical order
This error can occur when:
If you are using CaseWare 2019, you may notice that note references with more than one not may note be in numerical order.
This fix needs to be applied to every workstation with CaseWare installed. Also, this workaround will need to be reapplied when updating or patching CaseWare. We recommend retaining a copy of CV.Ver so it can be quickly copied into the CaseWare program directory after any update. An automated tool is available if this fix is applied on several machines, please contact Jazzit support for the tool. 
Temporary Solution
This error was reported to CaseWare International Inc. (CAS-10918-T6V4) and (CAS-26928-H2L6Q3) and after some investigation they provided us with the following temporary solution: