Quick Guides
Document Settings
Document Settings
Document settings
1. Document settings
Document properties for the letters and working papers present information about the Resource Centre path, type and document filename. These settings are usually set in the Document control. We strongly recommend against overriding anything here.
Primary link for this document: The primary method for linking this letter to the Caseware Trial balance. The default method is the Map No.
Resource Centre information: Indicates which Resource Centre the document is connected to, e.g. KLIB or FRMLIB, the Resource Centre file name and which Header/footer module it is connected to.
Change Resource Centre path: Indicates the Resource Centre path. This is defaulted from the Document control. If the file path is incorrect check the RC location in the Document control.
Doc map
2. Doc map
The 'Doc Map' button allows you to toggle the Document Map on and off. You can normally toggle it on Home > Document Map in CaseView, however the setting will not save when you open the document again. Use the 'Doc Map' button to toggle the Document Map on a permanent basis.
Update Header/Footers
3. Update Header/Footers
Update changes made to headers and footers in the Resource Centre without having to update the entire letter.
Scale Fonts
4. Scale Fonts
Toggles CaseView's Scale fonts to reduce clipping feature. Sometimes the text in a table will get 'cut-off' or 'clipped' on the screen. This feature corrects that. Please see for more information on this and other features.
Header and footer options
5. Header and footer options
Change header and footer settings specific to the document.